Code Mirror is this pretty sweet web based code editor, designed to be embedded. It’s quite a technical achievement and it’s no wonder that both Brackets and Light Table are using it.
Theming is done via css; pretty much every significant word is put in a span with a class name, and you just apply your styles to those classes. The only troubble is I haven’t found a good reference of which class names are applied to what. I’ve thrown a quick one together here for html, css and js.
- cm-qualifier: class selector
- cm-tag: tag selector, pseudo class selector
- cm-builtin: id selector
- cm-operator: colon between a property and a value
- cm-property: property name
- cm-atom: colon in hexa-decimal format
- cm-keyword: color keyword
- cm-string: regular string, likne one passed to a url() call
- cm-string-2:css function (like rgba())
- cm-number: any number with or without a unit
- cm-def: @ rule
- cm-comment: comment
- cm-def: variable definition
- cm-variable: global variable
- cm-variable2: scoped variable
- cm-property: object property or method
- cm-keyword: control structure keywords (if, else, …)
- cm-number: any number
- cm-string: literal string
- cm-string-2: regular expression
- cm-comment: comment
- cm-tag: tag name
- cm-attribute: attribute name
- cm-string: attribute value
- cm-comment: comment