The Reversed BJJ Paradigm So… yeah. Paradigm. That’s a word mostly used in science papers. A paradigm is a way to conceive and area, a thinking model, a framework. BJJ education mostly conforms to a paradigm:
Learning As I already mentionned, I’m very interested in alternative ways to learn jiu-jitsu — or rather I’m discontent with the way we learn it today. It reminds me of highschool. I wrote a big ass draft about that 6 month ago, but when I read it now it sounds like stating obvious things so I’ll keep that part short.
More BJJ & Chess I’ve already rambled about the similarities I see between BJJ and chess but there is a core difference that makes BJJ a much harder game. In chess, you only need to master theory — the act of moving a pawn is not a challenge. In bjj, you can have a great understanding of some conceptual theory but if you can’t execute the move properly theory alone will never be enough.
Shifting perspective To some extent, jiu-jitsu is about solving problems — you have a goal, but something blocks you and you have to find a way to get past that obstacle. Usually that obstacle wears a gi.